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Paris, 2024

At its 34th meeting, held in Paris on 27-29 September 2024 at the invitation of Professor Fabienne Jault-Seseke and Professor Etienne Pataut, GEDIP continued its work on the law applicable to rights in rem, adopting a specific rule on stolen or illegally exported goods applicable to goods in general, to complement its previously adopted proposal on cultural goods. It also adopted guidelines on the influence of EU law on the law of nationality of States. Finally, it began its examination of draft guidelines on the treatment of renvoi in the European Regulation on applicable law; this draft will continue to be examined at the next meeting.

Among the topical issues discussed by the group were Directive 2024/1069 (‘SLAPP’) and Directive 2024/1760 on corporate sustainability due diligence. It also heard a presentation on the procedural status of conflict rules and foreign law, which will give rise to further works in the framework of a newly-created sub-group, as well as the traditional presentation of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights relating to private international law in 2023-2024.

The documents adopted at the Paris meeting, as well as the working documents examined at that meeting, are listed below.

Key words : Rights in rem – Nationality – Renvoi – Fundamental and human rights, public policy, cultural property, surrogate motherhood, medically assisted procreation.

Journées Paul Lagarde

On the occasion of the GEDIP meeting in Paris, a conference in honour of Professor Paul Lagarde, one of the group’s founders, was held at the Sorbonne on 26 and 27 September 2024.

The conference was entitled Les sources internationales du droit international privé : Paul Lagarde et la législation internationale et européenne.

The texts of the presentations given by both GEDIP members and former doctoral students who are now colleagues of Paul Lagarde, as well as Paul Lagarde’s conclusions, can be consulted at the end of this page. This section is presently under construction (other presentations will be added later).


Records of working sessions

Documents adopted

Working papers

Presentations during the Journées Paul Lagarde