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Paris, 2024

At its 34th meeting, held in Paris on 27-29 September 2024 at the invitation of Professor Fabienne Jault-Seseke and Professor Etienne Pataut, GEDIP continued its work on the law applicable to rights in rem, adopting a specific rule on stolen or illegally exported goods applicable to …

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Milan, 2023

At its 33rd meeting, held in Milan at the invitation of Professor Stefania Bariatti, GEDIP completed its work on the law applicable to rights in rem by adopting special rules on stolen or illegally exported cultural goods. Continuing its work on a European codification of the …

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Oslo, 2022

At its 32nd meeting, held in Oslo at the invitation of Professor Guiditta Cordero-Moss, GEDIP continued its work on the law applicable to rights in rem, initiating the discussion on the insertion of a chapter on cultural property, in particular the question of the definition of …

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Virtual meeting, 2021

The 31st meeting of the Group has been held on 17 and 18 September 2021 in virtual mode. The Group continued its work on proposals for European instruments on rights in rem and corporate responsibility for human rights and the environment. It also continued its work …

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Virtual Meeting, 2020

The 30th meeting of the Group has been held on 18 and 19 September 2020, at the invitation of M. Pauknerova, Professor at the Faculty of Law of Charles University. Initially scheduled to take place on the premises of the Faculty of Law, this meeting has been held in virtual mode.

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Katowice, 2019

The 29th GEDIP Annual Meeting was held from September 13-15, 2019 in Katowice, at the invitation of Mr. Szpunar, at the premises of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Silesia. The Group has finalized a new approach to European private international divorce law. One of its members, Paul Lagarde, was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Silesia.

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Antwerp, 2018

The 28th annual meeting of GEDIP was held from 21 to 23 September 2018 in Antwerp at the invitation of J. Meeusen, Professor at the University of Antwerp. The Group agreed on the essential elements of a new approach to European private international law on divorce.

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Hambourg, 2017

Recast of the Regulations on divorce – The European Union and Regulations and Conventions on uniform substantive law — Current developments in Union law: The effect of foreign mandatory rules, remarks on the Nikiforidis judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union; Regulations on matrimonial property regimes and the property effects of registered partnerships; Brexit and private international law; Personal status of migrants – Current work of the Commission – News from the Hague Conference: the Judgments project – Current case law of the European Court of Human Rights – Current national laws: Italian legislation on civil union; German legislation on same-sex marriage and on the fight against child marriages – Examination of the advisability of a European instrument on rights in rem.

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Milan, 2016

Recast of the Brussels IIa Regulation on parental responsibility and child abduction – Project on the law applicable to companies – Le droit international privé après le Brexit – Current Union law : Data Protection and PIL – News from the Commission – Follow-up to the Declaration on the Legal Status of Applicants for International Protection from Third Countries to the European Union – News from the Hague Conference – Current case law of the European Court of Human Rights – Current national laws: Italian Law on Civil Unions and Cohabitations – The European Union and Regulations and Conventions on uniform substantive law.

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Luxembourg, 2015

European rules on the law applicable to companies – Draft Regulation on divorce – Legal status of persons seeking international protection in a situation of mass influx – Opinion 2/13 of the Court of Justice and private international law – Gazprom: “Antisuit injunction” and arbitration – News from the Hague Conference – Current work of the Commission – Current case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

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Florence, 2014

Codification of European private international law: the law applicable to companies – Current Union Law – The relationship between Regulation (EU) No. 606/2013 on the mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matters, Directive 2011/99/EU on the European Protection Order and the Brussels IIa Regulation – Current Union Law: Work of the Commission – News from the Hague Conference – Reflections with a view to (A) a better articulation of the regime of the law applicable in matters of parental responsibility and (B) a better operation of the provisions supplementing the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction – Current case law of the European Court of Human Rights: An exceptional year of activity in private international law – Codifying Choice of Law around the world.

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Lausanne, 2013

Nationality conflicts in existing European instruments – Reflections on nationality as a connecting factor – The treatment of foreign law in European private international law – The recast of Brussels I Regulation and the forum of cultural property – Current issues on the recognition of public acts – News from the Hague Conference – News from the European Union – Current case law of the European Court of Human Rights – Is there a need for a new Regulation on the law applicable to companies?

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The Hague, 2012

The role of nationality as a general principle of European private international law – The recognition of foreign legal situations – The status of foreign law under Union law – The law applicable to the enforceability against third parties of an assignment of claims – Current developments in Union law – News from the Hague Conference – Current case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

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Brussels, 2011

The role of nationality as a general principle of European private international law – Draft Articles for the general part of a European code of private international law – The treatment of foreign law in European Union law – The law applicable to civil liability in connection with the issue of securities – Current developments in European Union law – News from the Hague Conference – Current case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

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Copenhagen, 2010

The Brussels I Regulation and judgments given in a third country – Amendment of Article 22a of the Bergen text –Nationality as a connecting factor and conflicts of nationality in European Union law – Problem of proof and access to foreign law – Current developments in European Union law – News from the Hague Conference – Current case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

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Padova, 2009

Enlargement of Brussels I to include judgments given in a third country – Relations between Brussels I and arbitration – Impact of the principle of mutual recognition on the identity of persons – Current developments in Union law – News from the Hague Conference.

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Bergen, 2008

Enlargement of Brussels I to external relations – The law applicable to “Maritime Torts” – Special issues on the application of Rome I Regulation – Current developments in Union law.

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Hambourg, 2007

External competence of the Union – Analysis of Regulation 864/2007 of 11 July “Rome II” – The “Rome III” project on divorce – Impact of the draft Treaty on European Union and on the functioning of the Union – News from secondary legislation – News from international organisations – Current work of the European Union – Current case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

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Coimbra, 2006

External competence of the Union – Revision of the Lugano Convention – Proposal for a Regulation on divorce – Green Paper on marital property regimes – “Rome I” proposal – Mutual recognition – Codification of European private international law – Private international law and human rights.

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Chania, 2005

Succession – Divorce – Partnership – The Services Directive in relation to Rome I and II – The Owusu v. Jackson Judgment – Impact of the accession of the Czech Republic – Human Rights – Secondary Law – Relationship between the European Union and the Hague Conference – Commission drafts.

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Tenerife, 2004

Partenariat et droit international privé, Règles de rattachement et règles d’applicabilité face aux droits de l’homme, Droits de la personnalité et liberté de la presse en droit international privé, Evolution du droit dérivé, Projet de Constitution européenne

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Vienna, 2003

Divorce and private international law – Partnership and private international law – Human rights and the recognition of foreign judgments – Recast of the Rome Convention – Drafts of the Hague Conference – Draft Constitution of the European Union.

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Paris, 2002

The law applicable to contractual obligations – The law applicable to non-contractual obligations – Registered partnership & Divorce – Impact of human rights on private international law.

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Lund, 2001

Recast of the Rome Convention on the law applicable to contracts – Divorce, registered partnership and private international law.

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Rome, 2000

Divorce and partnership in private international law – Recast of the Rome Convention.

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Luxembourg, 1998

The law applicable to non-contractual obligations – Powers of the European Union in civil matters.

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Venice, 1996

The law applicable to non-contractual obligations – Progress of work towards a European Union Convention on family matters.

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Geneva, 1995

The effects of harmonisation on proof and the application of foreign law – Follow-up of the work concerning the elaboration of a Brussels II Convention – Follow-up of the work concerning the interaction of secondary law and the Brussels and Rome Conventions – Follow-up of the work concerning security interests.

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Barcelone, 1994

The interaction of secondary Community law and the Brussels and Rome Conventions – The recognition of foreign conventional security interests.

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Heidelberg, 1993

Jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments in family and succession matters – The law applicable to methods of sale and advertising in a Community context.

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Milan, 1992

Project to draw up a “second Brussels Convention”, covering family and inheritance matters.

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