The 30th meeting of the Group has been held on 18 and 19 September 2020, at the invitation of M. Pauknerova, Professor at the Faculty of Law of Charles University. Initially scheduled to take place on the premises of the Faculty of Law, this meeting has been held in virtual mode.
The programme includes progress reports on two works in progress, namely the law applicable to rights in rem (rapporteur F. Garcimartin) and the codification of a general part of conflicts of laws (rapporteur F. Jault-Seseke). The Group will also examine the possibility of a response to the Commission’s consultation on the Union’s accession to the Hague Conference Judgments Convention (rapporteur J. Basedow).
Keywords: Law applicable to rights in rem. Codification of European private international law: principles of European law and their effect on the general part of European private international law. Possible accession of the EU to the Hague Judgments Conventions. Limits of European integration in the recent case law of the Bundesverfassungsgericht: potential repercussions on private international law. Current work of the Commission. News from the Hague Conference. Current case law of the European Court of Human Rights. Codification of the general part of European Private International Law.