At its 33rd meeting, held in Milan at the invitation of Professor Stefania Bariatti, GEDIP completed its work on the law applicable to rights in rem by adopting special rules on stolen or illegally exported cultural goods. Continuing its work on a European codification of the general rules on conflict of laws, it adopted guidelines on the recognition of a foreign legal situation; it also began examining the question of the treatment of renvoi in the existing or future European regulations on conflict of laws.
As topical issues, the group discussed the European Commission’s proposal to adopt a regulation on parentage and adopted a written Position Paper on the subject. It also heard a presentation on the proposal for a regulation on the protection of adults, as well as the traditional presentation of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in 2022-2023 relating to private international law.
Key words : Real rights, rights in rem, cultural objects – Method of recognition of foreign situations – Renvoi – Filiation – Fundamental rights and human rights, surrogate motherhood, same-sex marriage, recognition of foreign judgments and arbitral awards.