European rules on the law applicable to companies – Draft Regulation on divorce – Legal status of persons seeking international protection in a situation of mass influx (asylum) – Opinion 2/13 of the Court of Justice and private international law – Gazprom: “Antisuit injunction” and arbitration – News from the Hague Conference – Current work of the Commission – Current case law of the European Court of Human Rights.
Luxembourg, 2015
Records of working sessions
Documents adopted
- Déclaration sur le statut juridique de demandeurs de protection internationale en provenance de pays tiers vers l’Union européenne
- Declaration on the Legal Status of Applicants for International Protection from Third Countries to the European Union
- Règlement sur le divorce - version provisoire
Working papers
- The Law Applicable to Companies (2d draft)
- Divorce - Projet - Notice
- Explications Projet Divorce
- Réfugiés & migrants - Note exploratoire (van Loon)
- Actualités - Sweden - Refugees (Bogdan)
- Droits de l’homme 2015 – Adoption & kafala, substitution – Reconnaissance filiation GPA – Recouvrement aliments – Enlèvement d’enfants (Kinsch)