Recast of the Regulations on divorce – The European Union and Regulations and Conventions on uniform substantive law — Current developments in Union law: The effect of foreign mandatory rules, remarks on the Nikiforidis judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union; Regulations on matrimonial property regimes and the property effects of registered partnerships; Brexit and private international law; Personal status of migrants – Current work of the Commission – News from the Hague Conference: the Judgments project – Current case law of the European Court of Human Rights – Current national laws: Italian legislation on civil union; German legislation on same-sex marriage and on the fight against child marriages – Examination of the advisability of a European instrument on rights in rem.
Hambourg, 2017
Records of working sessions
Documents adopted
Working papers
- Droit privé uniforme - Projet v2 (Basedow)
- Migrants - Subsidiary protection and applicable law (Kreuzer)
- Brexit - Minutes of the subgroup
- Actualités - Allemagne - Mariage de personnes de même sexe (Kohler)
- Actualités - Italie - Union civile v2 (Bariatti)
- Actualités - Allemagne - Mariage d'enfants (Kohler)
- Droits de l’homme 2017 – Reconnaissance filiation GPA – Discrimination & nationalité – Enlèvement d’enfant (Kinsch)
- Actualités Hague Conference - Judgments - Comments on The Hague Draft (Bonomi)
- Actualités - Belgique - Nom (Fallon)
- Règlement sur le divorce - 2e version provisoire
- Divorce - Amendements - Bonomi
- Rights in rem - Future EU Instrument (Garcimartin)